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Runcheck plaque

Runcheck Plaque

The run check plaque is made of compressed resin that is highly resistant to all solvents,especially chlorinated solvents in liquid or vapour form, that are normally used for preliminary degreasing in the penetrant inspection cycle. The plaques contain two micro defects on one side, appearing as a simple or branched line after penetrant processing. the degree of visibility of these defects at the end of the penetrant inspection process provides a check on the efficiency of the cycle as a whole, as well as that of the products (penetrant, emulsifier, developer) and the related processing stages (cleaning, penetrant application, emulsifying, rinsing, drying, developing).
PSM 5 TAM Panel

Test Panel PSM 5 (TAM 146 040)

Test Panel PSM 5 is made from stainless steel (Ni-Cr) and is used to control a penetration testing process. Download our brochure to check the details.
TAM panel for detectability and sensitivity control

TAM Comparator Plate for sensitivity / detectability control of fluorescent penetrant testing process

TAM comparators are used to measure the actual size of indications identified during the fluorescent liquid penetrant inspection process. Measures indications in increments between 0.010” and 0.180” and meets Pratt & Whitney requirements (P&W Reference - TAM 135273).

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e-mail: kontakt@koli.eu 

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Stokrotkowa 14 str,
87-100 Toruń,

tel. +48 56 654 66 27

e-mail: serwis@koli.eu