In 2010, Sonatest introduced the frst phased array instrument that featured onboard scan plan capabilities and a live 3D view with ray tracer representation.
Then Veo+ was launched in 2016. It introduced the concept of remote hardware update allowing the user to instantly unleash the power and flexibility of a greater number of PA channels. With the Sonatest XPair software package Sonatest pioneered true real-time remote collaboration allowing an expert to have full control of the instrument and share the Veo+ screen whilst in another location anywhere in the world. Sonatest were also the frst to provide phased array correction for curved surfaces making long seam weld inspections true, faster and easier than ever.
Now, introducing Veo3. Fitted with a state-of-the-art PCAP touch panel, the now legendary user interface is even better. But what makes Veo3 really stand out, is its unique real-time multi-scan/multi-technique capabilities. Simultaneous TFM, PA and TOFD views are now possible. With Veo3, having the ability to simultaneously show a PA and several live TFM scans it is now easier than ever to identify and size flaws with high P.O.D. and increased technician confdence.
The Veo3 multi-technique functionality, combining phased array with TFM, allows users to beneft from the additional resolution and sizing performance of TFM – all while performing inspections to an already approved phased-array procedure. No need to change. No need to go through a new approval process.
All of the data received during Full Matrix Capture (FMC) scanning can be recorded on the Veo3. As a result, further detailed analysis can be performed including comparison with previous inspection data to identify trends and flaw/corrosion growth rates. The Sonatest UTStudio+ software package has extensive capabilities to assist the inspector/expert or alternatively the data can be exported for analysis using other algorithms. Again, Sonatest provides the tools necessary beyond just the basic inspection.
Find out more information in the brochure under this link and in the movie below: